Healthy news and information from Exquisite Smiles / 2017 May Issue
Looking for simple ways to remember how to keep your mouth healthy? Look no further.
1. Fix the problem while it’s small. Don’t ignore a painful tooth or swollen gums for too long—the sooner you visit us, the quicker we can help get your oral health back on track.
2. Limit sour candy. Because sour candy is typically high in citric acid, it can wear away much needed dental enamel.
3. Two for two. Always brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time.
4. Spit, don’t rinse. After brushing, spit out the excess toothpaste in your mouth instead of rinsing with water — rinsing can wash away helpful fluoride.
If it’s time to schedule your next clean with our practice, give us a call to make an appointment for your family.
If you aren’t brushing your teeth each morning and night, it’s safe to say you’re harming your oral health. But here are a few things that could wreak havoc on your mouth and teeth that you may want to think twice about!
1. Snoring. Aside from just preventing your partner from sleeping well, snoring can make your teeth more susceptible to decay as it can drastically dry out your mouth.
2. Chewing ice. For some, it’s a habit that’s hard to break. The next time you catch yourself chewing on ice after finishing a beverage, make a mental note and then stop the action.
3. Mouth piercings. Though some may find tongue or inner lip piercings cute and trendy, if they aren’t cleaned properly each day, the chances of developing bacteria that can lead to a serious oral infection is greatly increased.
If you’re expecting a child or if children are in your future, you’re well aware that there’s more to consider than just picking out a name or decorating a nursery.
As you’ll probably be reading up on how to keep your baby as healthy as possible, there are steps you can take to ensure proper oral health while they’re still in the womb.
Give your baby a head start when it comes to healthy teeth and gums by getting the recommended daily amount of calcium while you’re pregnant. Even though it will take months after birth before their teeth begin to poke through, calcium is crucial in helping them form properly.
To lower the risk of a child being born with a cleft pallet, consider folic acid supplements as research from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that just a small dose could lower the risk by one-third.