Exquisite Smile Times

Healthy news and information from Exquisite Smiles / 2020 March Issue

Did You Forget to Brush… Your Tongue?

Are you brushing your teeth two times each day? If so, keep it up! Doing so each day helps to pave the way for a healthy mouth. But your teeth aren’t the only things you should be brushing.

In fact, there’s a rather large muscle in your mouth that needs cleaning too-it’s your tongue. Just because your tongue won’t get a cavity shouldn’t cause you to skip its cleaning.

Why is a clean tongue so important? Just like your teeth, excess bacteria can buildup in the tiny crevices of your tongue and under taste buds. These can cause bad breath and gum disease.

When you brush your teeth before bed tonight, remember to brush your tongue back and forth and side to side. Especially towards the back. Ask us what else you can do to keep your tongue and teeth healthy on your next visit.

Bright Smiles Start on Your Plate

If you want a healthy mouth, taking a look at what you eat is a good place to start. Foods such as hard candies, sticky caramels and acidic citrus fruits can wreak havoc on your teeth.

On the flip side, dairy products such as hard cheeses help keep your teeth healthy as the calcium can strengthen your enamel.

Raw leafy greens may also benefit your oral health as they require a lot of chewing and stimulate saliva production. The small pieces of greens “brush” your teeth as you’re chewing.

Strawberries are another good bet as they can help whiten enamel thanks to a substance called malic acid, which could help reduce or remove stains on your teeth. Drinking plenty of water is a great way to wash sugar and acid off your teeth.

Visiting us for regular checkups is another important action you can take to enjoy a gleaming smile!

Do Your Teeth Reveal Your Age?

Just because you have more candles on your birthday cake doesn’t mean you can’t have an ageless smile. While eating healthy foods and exercising may help you enjoy greater overall health, taking care of your teeth and gums as you age can help you enjoy a younger-looking smile.

Preserve your pearly whites by practicing healthy oral hygiene habits such as brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day. You may also want to consider using a mouth rinse containing fluoride.

Another way to maintain a gleaming smile is by avoiding foods and beverages that can age your smile. Major culprits include blueberries, red wine, coffee, and tea. Smoking can also damage your teeth along with your health. Aim to kick the habit.

Visiting us every six months for a checkup may also help prevent gum disease and keep you smiling brightly for many birthdays to come!

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