Exquisite Smile Times

Healthy news and information from Exquisite Smiles / 2021 March Issue

Does Poor Sleep Affect Oral Health?

After a poor night of sleep, you might feel groggy the next day.

When you catch yourself in the mirror, you may even look tired. But lack of sleep stops there, right?


Routinely poor sleep can actually affect your dental health, too.

In fact, a study by Osaka University Graduate school examined different lifestyle and sleep factors, concluding that people who slept seven to eight hours each night had less of a risk for developing periodontitis (gum disease).

How? Lack of sleep can lead to inflammation in the body-even in your gums. Inflamed gums can become gingivitis first, and eventually turn into full blown periodontitis.

If poor sleep is affecting your health, do your best to make sleep a priority-it should be at the top of your ‘to do’ list instead of getting pushed aside.

Preventing Cavities in Kids

No parent wants to see their child in pain-luckily, when it comes to cavities, pain can be a thing of the past-with proper prevention!

Here are three ways to help your child prevent cavities:

1. Get your child familiar with brushing their teeth before they can do it themselves. When you brush your teeth, have your child accompany you so they get used to the routine.

2. Make sure your child is brushing with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride helps to strengthen their enamel, making it difficult for acid and bacteria to cause problems.

3. Watch what they’re snacking on. Foods high in sugar like candy, juice boxes, and fruit leather should be consumed in moderation. Encourage them to brush their teeth after consuming anything high in sugar.

4 Causes of Bad Breath

Forgetting to brush your teeth in the morning can definitely make you feel self-conscious about being in close proximity to others-but if you’re noticing stinky breath regardless of brushing, something else could be to blame. Here are a few common culprits.

1. Medications. Common medicines like antihistamines and decongestants can be to blame.

2. Dry mouth can cause bad breath because there isn’t enough saliva in your mouth to provide moisture and neutralize acids or wash away debris.

3. A diet heavy in sugary foods can lead to halitosis because bacteria thrives in a high-sugar environment.

4. Infection can also be to blame for bad breath. If you’re noticing pain in the mouth or an abscess, give us a call.

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