Exquisite Smile Times

Healthy news and information from Exquisite Smiles / 2022 June Issue

The Problem With Missing Teeth

Things like trauma, decay, and gum disease can lead to missing teeth. But after a tooth is knocked out, falls out, or is extracted, the problem is only just beginning. Missing teeth are much more than just a gap in your smile. Sometimes, other issues can occur, like:

Problems eating – When you’re missing one or multiple teeth, chewing properly becomes difficult. This can lead to poor nutrition.

Moving teeth – When there’s room to move, your teeth will do so. The gap left behind from a missing tooth can sometimes cause other teeth to shift, resulting in misalignment issues.

Aged appearance – Your teeth help to support the skin around your mouth, and when one or multiple are missing, that skin can start to sag.

If you have missing teeth, we’re here for you. Book a visit to learn more about our many options for smile rejuvenation.

Smoothie Recipes

Looking for a way to jumpstart your day with a glass of health and wellness? Smoothies are packed full of nutrients and offer a great taste, too.

Here are a few of our favourite recipes to try!

Classic Berry: Combine ½ cup frozen strawberries, ½ cup blueberries, ½ cup almond milk, ½ cup apple juice, and ½ frozen banana.

Nutty Chocolate: Combine 1 frozen banana, 3 dates, 2 tablespoons nut butter, 1 tablespoon cacao, 1 tablespoon coconut butter, a dash of cinnamon, and 1 ½ cups almond milk.

Tropical: Combine 2 cups orange juice, ½ frozen banana, ½ cup frozen mango, ½ cup pineapple chunks, 1 tablespoon coconut butter or flakes.

Do you have a favourite smoothie recipe? Share it in the comments below.

Preventing Dry Mouth As You Sleep

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night with your mouth feeling as dry as the Sahara? You’re not alone. In fact, millions of people around the globe suffer from the same exact thing.

Dry mouth is typically a symptom of a greater issue. Some of the most common causes include smoking, certain medications, aging, medical conditions like diabetes, and others.

Give these tips a try to see if they improve your dry mouth:

• Limit alcohol and caffeine intake before bed
• Stay hydrated throughout the day
• Use a fluoride toothpaste when you brush
• Use a humidifier to keep moisture in the air

If you’re waking up with dry mouth constantly and can’t seem to get to the root cause of the issue, give us a call. We look forward to helping you get to the bottom of the issue.

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